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Day 213 – Already 7 months old.


When Jaia was brand new, I had friends who had babies that were just a little older and when we would get together I would get to see what the next milestone was.  At the time, I couldn’t even imagine Jaia being able to hold her head up or smile or sit up.  And although I never ever wished time away, I was incredibly curious about what it would be like when Jaia was able to do all of those things and more.

And then I blinked.

And she turned 7 months old.  And she can do all those things.  As I watch Jaia sitting up and playing quietly (or not so quietly) on the floor, I forget what it was like to have to hold her head up or lean her against the back and arm of the couch to prop her up.  Or as I tuck her in for the night, I (almost) forget what it was like to get up every two hours to feed her or that I was terrified for her to sleep all alone in her giant crib. 


The past 7 months have been amazing, life-changing and perfect.  The only thing I would change would be to have our family live closer to us (or us to them) so they could share in her everyday life with us…and so they could babysit. 


August 1, 2007 - 11:56 am

Melissa Walker - I can’t wait to meet little Jaia!!!

August 1, 2007 - 6:55 pm

Jen - I wish for the same thing.

Man she’s cute!

August 2, 2007 - 9:25 am

Lizzie Jean - I so wish we could be closer…I hate that we are missing it. Thank goodness for the interweb and!!! Can’t wait to see you in September.

August 2, 2007 - 10:30 am

Shirley Jones - Hello all. Jaia seems so bright and alert. Can’t wait to meet her. Have been trying to email you – what time are you landing in Saskatoon? Would like to meet you if possible since I am in with Gabe all week at hockey school. Let me know – maybe we can meet for lunch?

August 2, 2007 - 10:30 am

Shirley Jones - Hello all. Jaia seems so bright and alert. Can’t wait to meet her. Have been trying to email you – what time are you landing in Saskatoon? Would like to meet you if possible since I am in with Gabe all week at hockey school. Let me know – maybe we can meet for lunch?

August 2, 2007 - 10:56 am

rachel - I can’t believe she’s 7 months too! That means I’ve been lurking on your site for about…8 months now? Blimey. I’ve really enjoyed seeing her get bigger, but it does all seem to have happened rather quickly!

August 4, 2007 - 6:23 am

Dan - Hi Shirley,

We get in at 10am … lunch sounds great!

I’ll email you with more details.


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